SRM Institute Of Science And Technology Chennai, India


We never knew handling sensitive materials could be so ‘glovely’ until we partnered with Revaron! Their glove box solutions have transformed our research experience at SRM University, bringing a touch of humor and innovation to our scientific pursuits.”

Dr.Arul Varman, Asst.Prof – SRM University

Our Process

At SRM University, we take our research seriously, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have fun along the way. Revaron’s glove box solutions have not only provided us with a controlled environment for delicate experiments but have also sparked a newfound enthusiasm among our researchers.


Who knew wearing gloves and manipulating samples inside a box could be so entertaining? Revaron’s glove boxes have become the centrepiece of our labs, with their sleek design and user-friendly features. Our scientists now compete to see who can handle samples with the utmost finesse, all while trying to come up with the best glove box-themed puns.


Revaron has managed to combine the seriousness of scientific research with a playful twist. Their glove box solutions have not only met our technical requirements but have also injected a sense of humor into our daily lab routines. It’s not uncommon to hear laughter and friendly banter as we navigate the intricacies of the glove box.

And let’s not forget about the fantastic support provided by the Revaron team. They’ve been with us every step of the way, ensuring we’re equipped with the right tools and knowledge to make the most of our glove box experience. Their team’s expertise and willingness to embrace the fun side of science have truly made them part of our research family.


So, if you’re looking for a glove box solution that not only delivers exceptional performance but also adds a dash of amusement to your lab life, look no further than Revaron. Trust me, you won’t be ‘glovely’ disappointed!

Project Info




eCoshop Club


Retail, eCommerce


Android, Realm, Dagger 2, RxJava